2021 NFL Free Agency Featuring Geoff Lambert

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2021 NFL Free Agency Good Old Boys Fantasy Football

2021 NFL Free Agency featuring Geoff Lambert

Intro 00:05
You’re listening to the Good Old Boys Fantasy Football Podcast. Now here’s your host, Kevin, Derek and Alex.

Derek 00:13
Alrighty, welcome, and ladies and gentlemen to another episode of the Good Old Boys Fantasy Football Podcast. I am Derek and I am joined as always by your co hosts, Kevin and Alex. Guys, how are we doing tonight?

Kevin 00:24
I’m doing good man. I brackets busted a shit right now. But that’s okay. It was fun. Having college basketball something a bit different to watch. But it’s been entertaining If nothing else, the first weekend of the NCAA tournament held serve a lot of fun close games, a lot of upsets a lot of money to be made if you know what you’re looking at. But that’s good. And oh, a little thing of NFL free agency, which is to me better than the NFL. or excuse me, then NCAA Tournament. So getting to see all the movers and shakers and all the different things that continue to fall out with that. So good week all the way around man can’t complain.

Alex 01:03
Yeah, I forgot how much I love filling out a tournament bracket, and then how much I hate it about three hours into the actual start of the tournament. So that has been a very fun experience that I hope we never have to go through not having that experience again. Because as much as I was cursing at the I was at the computer screen while I was at work, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all those games and all the fun upsets and everything and then keeping track of basically just putting an alert on whenever schefter tweets because oh my goodness, there’s just so many things that keep coming down the pike that he kind of shake your head out. And then there’s other things that you’re like, Oh, yeah, that makes that makes a lot of sense. In terms of NFL free agency.

Derek 01:57
My brackets I’m still feeling fairly good at I still got my final four intact. So we’ll see how this thing rocks and rolls the rest of the way. had a lot of fun watching a lot of college basketball this last weekend. And lots of news that we’re going to get into with free agency. What’s up, Alex real quick?

Alex 02:15
Did you know there’s a study out there and I haven’t I don’t know if I can find it right away. But there’s a study out there that vasectomy surgeries go up in the middle of March, more than any other time of the year. There are more of a secondary surgeries in the middle of March. Because if you’re going to be held up for three or four days, why not do it during March Madness when you have to be off of work at all you can do is watch basketball day.

Derek 02:42
I had heard that study as well. So thank you for bringing that one up. Guys. We do have a very special guest joining us tonight. We’ve got Geoff from Going for 2 live with us tonight. Geoff, how you doing?

Special Guest Geoff Lambert Interview

Geoff 02:56
I’m doing good fellas doing good. We are Wait, we’re about 10 minutes in and we’re talking about vasectomies already so it’s gonna be a great show.

Derek 03:02
I know it’s gonna do interesting. Geoff, one thing we always want to know from our guests when they come on is how did you get your start in fantasy football and in the fantasy football injury industry?

Geoff 03:12
So my start in fantasy football was way back in 1998. I think it was Yeah, whose first year of having a digital fantasy football platform. Friend of mine knew I was kind of a stat nerd. I mean, I was always the standard like in high school, even in Late Middle School. I bring a sports page to school and read all the stats on Tuesdays and it came out like who’s lead the league and touchdowns who has the most yards. So he asked me to play I was like, yeah, you know what, let me just, you know, try this thing out. Sounds pretty fun, actually won both of the first two years I’ve ever played, I won both, both leagues that that first two years. And I’ve been hooked ever since. And you know, I’ve been playing that same league that we started way back in 98 is actually still going on to this day. It’s now a dynasty League, but it’s basically the same group of guys been playing for, what, 23 years now, whatever it is. So yeah, and then as far as getting into the industry, you know, I said I was a stat nerd and kind of, I was always that guy in my group of friends where, you know, on Sundays, I get the calls or the text messages, like who do I start this week? Or who do I do this? And you know, want to get the who do I ads week from the waivers. And one week, I gave my friend a pretty good piece of advice. And his player just went off and he said managed to like run a blog or something. And then like my little light bulb went off. I was like, You know what, let me just try this. And I started the blog, literally had no idea what I was doing. I went on to Google and said, how to start a blog and then basically follow the steps and there was this tutorial there how to start it up. And I kind of figured that I’d be you know, begging my friends and family to kind of go to my page and read my stuff. And about a month, month and a half in I’m getting like you know, starting to kind of blow up I’m kind of like, Oh, this is this is cool. I got strangers that are reading my stuff. This is kind of fun. And it just kind of blossomed from there. I didn’t really think I’d have you know what I do now where I got 30 plus writers on staff, we just turned our podcast into a podcast network. So now we have seven separate shows on our on our podcast. So it’s been a lot of fun. And it’s it’s, you know, it’s it’s what I enjoy. It’s my passion. And if I could do this full time, I definitely would i would quit my job and do this all the time.

Kevin 05:16
Absolutely. That’s a really cool story. Our Hometown League, we’re starting year 13, is what we’re going into. So not quite to the level that you guys are at, but aspirations, their life goals. That’s really cool that you guys are able to stick together for over two decades and still going strong. So kudos to you guys.

Geoff 05:37
Definitely cool.

Kevin 05:37
So kind of getting into things walk us. Walk us through what the going for two group is going, going through right now. What kind of content you guys working on the offseason getting ready for things, but what do you guys have kind of cooking up behind the scenes there that people need to look forward to? And stay on the lookout for?

Geoff 05:57
Alright, yeah. So we went through axio a major redesign in January, actually, we went to the new dark mode, like are the websites now black. And you know, that’s the new thing right now. So we did a whole redesign. We also added new content, you know, we’re trying to build our Debye content. You know, that seems to be the big thing right now. It’s kind of growing. So we have a very small division. We got an IDP division, another one that’s kind of a niche that we didn’t have before I got a couple guys that do IDP stuff, IDP rankings, we’ve expanded into betting advice because you know, it’s becoming legal, more and more places. It’s now finally legal where I live. So we’re expanding into that as well. But our core really is fancy football dynasty. And we do a lot of DFS, too. We’ve kind of built on DFS. And, you know, when I first started off, DFS was a huge thing as a positive team. It was like, you know, super big, you couldn’t turn the TV on without watching a commercial for DraftKings or fanduel. So we kind of built it on DFS. And then fantasy football kind of got built right into that. So we’re still based on those core things. But we’re kind of expanding a little bit to the IDP into the to more niche type stuff, best balls as well. And now, like I said, the show has kind of an offshoot of that. We started it. So it wasn’t really just my show was the armchair fantasy show. And it was just mine. We did it live every Wednesday nights. Then during the season, we had, we went twice a week, we’d have a DFS show and a regular show. And then last last season, you know, we kind of opened it up some of my writers to, to have their own shows, basically, it was like they come on a Thursday, they would just go live in the in the theory behind it was just to have anybody that can come on and talk and ask questions before the games. We call them the war rooms, we basically had war room on Thursday night before the Thursday night game. We had a war room on Friday night, you know, kind of previewing the weekend, we had a warm room on Sunday morning to get ready for the weekend games, we have more room on Monday night. So it’s kind of just a big forum. And it kind of grew from there. To the point that when the season was over with all these guys are kind of like, you know what, I kind of liked doing podcast, you know, let’s let’s kind of make this into a show. So that I had to come up with some ideas to keep each show sort of unique, you’re going to have seven shows all on the same channel. You can’t all have the same format. So I came up with seven different sort of formats for each show. And it’s been it’s been running great. I mean, we had a show last night Gladys runs a show called the two point conversion it’s kind of a play off going for to two point conversion. But the premise behind it is it’s two points of view. So it’s kind of like a debate show you’re gonna bring on two guests and you’re gonna have a debate and she had last night she actually had four people on she had it was an all female cast last night it was an awesome show. had a lot of you know a lot of hits on that one. Yeah, she was doing it for the you know, Women’s History Month and all that so she got some great guests on it was awesome. So you know, we were kind of just doing building it from there and just just kind of going with it you know, kind of growing it from there.

Alex 08:51
That is awesome. Did your empire is expanding but we are obviously centered around fantasy football here and so I I have found that one of my favorite thing to ask people and because my eyes have been opened up so much in the year and a half two years that we’ve been doing this podcast into the different styles of fantasy football. So for you personally. What is your favorite style of fantasy football to play? Is it the DFS Is it the dynasty? Do you like to play in a guillotine league or a vampire league? What what’s kind of your your go to favorite place or favorite style of fantasy football?

Geoff 09:31
So I think my favorite style overall is is dynasty. I like drafting the rookies and sort of watching them blossom into superstars. And I like you know, you become sort of attached to your team with like, it’s it is really your team you must love you know your players, you kind of like following them for their whole career. But I did play in a very interesting league last year that’s that I want to do again this year. It’s a it’s a it’s a good team League, you know, but it’s got a little bit of a twist to it. It’s a 16 team league. There’s four divisions, for each, you know, four divisions divided up. But each division is like a team. So you’re actually encouraged to trade players and to try to help the other guys were to win to get to the next level. So there’ll be, you know, weeks where you’re talking to your teammates, like, Hey, you know, my brand. I’m back on a bye week I see you have so and so on your bench Can I can I borrow him for this week, and you trade into you know, so that player and he’d have a better team for that week too. And it was awesome. Because the, the, the teamwork aspect of it, I mean, we were drafting base, you know, on certain things like, okay, you know, we’re gonna do a run, you know, four of us in a row, we’re gonna do a run on quarterbacks, right now, we’re just going to take the quarterbacks and get them off the board. And it made the strategy so much more interesting to have that dynamic all season long.

Kevin 10:43
That’s so cool. That’s really neat.

Alex 10:48
Wait, the closest we did I did it a league last year, what was anything but the best. So the best players from each week got eliminated, which was kind of a fun way to do things for each position group. So you had to be on your P’s and Q’s all all year long. But that’s very fun. I like that idea a lot. The teamwork aspect of it is very, very cool.

Geoff 11:11
I’m actually working on my own personal format for fantasy, but I haven’t come up with all the details yet for the playoffs. But I’m calling it zombie leagues. It’s basically like a vampire League, you’re gonna have one zombie, he doesn’t draft. So it’s just like, you know, regular vampire League, everybody’s draft he has to pick up from free agencies. The difference is if the zombie beat you, he gets to take your player like a vampire league. But then the team that he beat has to drop all their players. Now they’re also a zombie. So they they have to drop all their players and then add more players back from free agency. Now you got two zombies, and it just kind of snowballs from there. But I haven’t figured out the playoff scenarios yet. Because this gets a little difficult because you don’t know how many zombies you’re gonna have at the end, you know, with a zombie go undefeated, you know, potentially if he has, you know, a couple good weeks, he takes Christian McCaffrey and he takes Lamar Jackson, and he takes in all these good players, he can potentially go undefeated. So then what do you do at the end? So I’m still trying to figure out all the dynamics to it, but it’s sort of an idea and working on.

Alex 12:07
That sounds all sounds mean.

Derek 12:12
Geoff, I know you guys are working on on a on another kind of idea out there around like a personal league type of podcast. Can you walk me through that real quick?

Geoff 12:22
Yeah, so this kind of came to me, a friend of mine kind of did it for our league. And I forget exactly who did it, or I’d call them out, I want to say I stole their idea. But I stole their idea. And I kind of ran with it. So basically, what we do is you send us or really Oh, how we’ve been doing it, I’ve been kind of becoming a co owner of a team. So they add me as a co owner, I go into their league, I take screenshots, I look at their transactions, I look at their free agency, you know, all that stuff that I need to sort of build a podcast, and then I go back to my team. And we Alright, you know, here are the 12 teams in this league, we usually have five guys that do it. And they will break down each team. So I’ll assign each of them like three teams, like you have these three teams, you have these three teams, you have these three teams, and they’ll break down those teams on the podcast. And then we rank them based and not the order of best to worst will kind of rank them as if we were to take over a team, which team we want to take over in that respect. So that way, if a team who’s rebuilding, obviously, they’re not the best team. But if they got a ton of draft picks, maybe I want to take over that team. So that’d be my favorite team. So we go to the podcast and we rank them and go through in order of the rank and each person who had that team gets to break down their team, we break it down by you know, who can you trade with your strengths, your weaknesses, what you might want to look for in the draft of its pre draft, just an overall kind of breakdown of your team and it’s been received very well. I think we’ve done about 10 of them now. We started it in February. We’ve done 10 I’ve actually got some I got four or five booked for after the NFL Draft. And then I even have three or four of them that are booked for August for redraft leagues, but it’s been a huge hit and you can go to going for two.com backslash league pod to sign up for it there. It’s 100 bucks, but really if you divide it by a 12 team league it’s like 850 a person so it’s really not that much it’s it’s a really cool thing to do for your league especially in the middle of the summer when you know there’s not a whole lot going on in dynasty leagues in July. You know you do this for your league. It’s an engagement going on get everybody talking about the league again.

Derek 14:21
that’s a that’s a really fun idea. Hey, Geoff, before we move on to talk about some free agents, how can the listeners connect with you through the socials or online

Geoff 14:30
so on Twitter’s my my main connection you can follow me at @GeoffLambert77 actually spelled GE o FF a little bit different spelling there but yeah, that’s the main place you can find me at and all my links are there for the for the for the podcast, you know, for the websites. Everything we do is at my Twitter account. So yet at @GeoffLambert77.

2021 NFL Free Agency

Derek 14:52
Awesome. Well, Geoff, we appreciate you being here. We’re gonna get right over into some free agency news and lots stuff has happened even from the last time we talked guys with some free agency. You had Kenny G signing to the Giants Will Fuller over to Miami. Corey Davis going to the Jets Juju Smith Schuster signed back with Pittsburgh, Chris Carson signed back with Seattle, Kenyan Drake going to the Raiders. Jamal Williams signed into Detroit Carlos Hyde down to Jacksonville. He had both Philip Lindsay and Mark Ingram signing with Houston john smith and Hunter Henry signing with the Patriots. Kyle Rudolph signed with the Giants but there’s a little bit of a snafu potential there with a physical issue going on and Jared Cook signed with the chargers and I know that there’s a ton more just highlight in some of the fantasy relevant ones that have happened since last episode but guys What are your thoughts on free agent fantasy news?

Kevin 15:48
Kenny Golladay got paid and good for him? You know what he there’s a little bit of concern right but then kind of holding himself out allegedly for for the tail end of the this past season with Detroit but if he wanted 18 plus million a year and that’s what he got, and the Giants got themselves a true number one wide receiver and they’re gonna find out that Daniel Jones is the answer or not. And because if you can’t make it work with Kenny golladay is your true one and then bouncing that off between Evan Ingram Slayton Sterling Shepard, not to mention bring in John Ross in helping him out with the deep threat like they got weapons now, not in sake ones lined up behind him. So the Giants have tons of weapons. Now it’s a matter of the offensive line being able to keep Daniel Jones upright. And if they can, you know, you might see a little bit of a sleeper quarterback and Daniel Jones just because of all the weapons he has around him. So that’s pretty exciting. Um, anything outside of that. I like Curtis Samuel to the Washington football team. I think Curtis Samuel has been progressively getting better and better. And I think that having Fitzpatrick and his knowledge of the game and all the different years and systems that he’s been in, will actually help Curtis Samuel break out there. He can be a true number two, on the opposite side of Terry Maclaurin. And I think those guys will play pretty well off of each other. So I’m excited to see what Curtis Samuel is going to bring into the season as well. Yeah,

Geoff 17:22
just to kind of piggyback off that Kenny G thing there too. It’s funny to me, you know, right now, I think if you are interested in Kenny G is to time to buy him I think people are down on his landing spot. They don’t like Daniel Jones as a quarterback. And they also he gets that injury prone label. And I don’t understand it because the last two seasons, he’s played pretty much every single game. I know he was hurt in his rookie season a little bit, but he was injured this year. And then you know, no denying that but I wouldn’t put the injury prone label on him just yet. You know, like you mentioned it could have been a contract thing to maybe he was fine play last year. He just didn’t want to play because he didn’t want to hurt himself anymore. And you know, not get that big contract. But I think if you want to go out and buy kinigi right now is the time to do I think the whole community is kind of down and Kenny G and I think you can get in for a lot cheaper than you would and he’s a he’s gonna be a good receiver there. Even if Jones isn’t great. As long as he’s serviceable. I think he’s good enough that he’s gonna go to overcome that deficiency of Daniel Jones. And then the other one I want to talk about is the one that I don’t think anybody liked this landing spot. And that’s Kenyan Drake going to the to the Las Vegas Raiders. I think if you were Josh Jacobs owner, you hated it. If you’re Kenyan Drake owner, you hated it.

Kevin 18:31
It just,

Geoff 18:32
I don’t understand it. To be honest with you. I don’t really know what Jon Gruden is doing there. I guess, you know, NFL purposes. He has now got two good running backs back there. But for face purposes, it’s just it’s a nightmare right now. I don’t know what’s going to happen in that backfield

Alex 18:45
to go back to the golladay News. Even you know, for just a football standpoint, his his going to the NFC East. You know, that was such a bad division last year, and that obviously that was coupled with the fact that the Dallas was atrocious after the injury to Dak Prescott but like, it kind of makes sense. Yes, the money makes sense for him there. But it also makes sense for him to go to a team in a division that is winnable and has an opportunity to play in the playoffs which you know, all these guys they want to get paid but they also want to win football games too. So I think that’s a that’s a good landing spot for him and Geoff, I like what you’re saying there with people being super down on him. Now’s the time to to make your pitch to golladay owners and see what you can get and don’t be afraid to lowball it at least get the conversation started and see where they’re at. If you if you want to go out and get in the will folder to Miami is interesting. Only because you’ll get will folder for what five games. We think after he serves his suspension. He’ll have an inevitable five game awesome streak that everybody will be like Yes, we’ll folders back and then he will have some freak injury that will sideline him again, maybe the change of scenery will do him some good, although I’m not sure Houston to Miami, scenery wise is is great for his off the field activities. But the the interesting one I think was Juju going back to Pittsburgh. And I know that the market wasn’t all that great for Juju Smith Schuster. And he went back on a pretty team friendly deal if I’m not mistaken. And so I was curious, you know, where would he go would, would another team want to take that on. And it’s not just Juju the receiver it is Juju the entire package, the brand of Juju Smith Schuster that you have to take. And it was going to take, you know, a pretty headstrong coach to to take that coming into their locker room. And there’s not you know, there’s not that many in this in this league that can do that. There’s a lot that say that they can but there’s not that many that that actually can kind of embrace and let the guy be who he is. But also at the same time make sure that there’s a focus on you know, winning football games and being being a good receiver. So I think that helps Ben Roethlisberger owners for the one or two years that you have Ben Roethlisberger left. But that was the interesting one to me was that he went he went back or rather he stayed he stayed put in in Pittsburgh. And I don’t know that if he would have gone anywhere else it would have been proved his stock. But it certainly makes you feel a little bit more comfortable with where he is.

Derek 21:31
The interesting thing for me is with Juju and some of the reports coming out he turned down more money to go other places including a place like Kansas City that one was a little shocking to me that he turned out more money to go play with Patrick Mahomes and that Kansas City offense to say in Pittsburgh What do you guys just thoughts around that?

Geoff 21:50
I think he did it he signed a one year contract with Pittsburgh I think he did it because the cap goes up next year. I think you know stay where he’s at with Ben one more year, you know, have a really good season, go back into the free agent market next year with the cap being a little bit higher. I just pulled up free agents for next year. And there’s some good top names but it’s not as deep as it was this year. Of course you know l Robinson again cuz he was franchise, Chris Godwin again, cuz he was franchise but then you get Davante Adams. After that there’s not really a whole lot. So the competition for teams is going to be a little bit you know, less than it was this year so he can get that big contracts and still land on a team somewhere else. So I think as far as money goes, I think it was a smart decision.

Alex 22:32
that’s a that’s a very great point with the cat being what it is this next year. There’s a new TV deal come in. There’s a new, you know, fans will be back in the stands this fall. For the most part, we think we hope money will not be an issue anymore for the NFL teams, though. That’s a great point, Geoff, that this was a business decision, I believe as well.

Derek 22:55
I do like the courtesy mill to Washington. But the other interesting one and kind of the question that I had for this one, Ryan Fitzpatrick, also signing to the Washington football team. And Ryan Fitzpatrick is as good as he’s been for fantasy and as good of a run, as he typically has with a team in the very first year that he’s there has never made the playoffs. Couple that with the fact that the same team hasn’t won the NFC East in, you know, back to back years for a long time. Now, does the Washington football team bucked that trend? And change the trajectory? Can they win the division this year?

Kevin 23:32
And they know Yeah, they can? Will they know they won’t? Um, I think the giants are going to be better. Again, if Jana Dana judge can stay upright, that defense is stout. That defense kept them in a lot of these games this past season and allowed them to be so competitive, adding all those weapons so the giants are going to be better. We’re gonna see what this Philadelphia team is can they stay? Can they get healthy and stay healthy? Is Jalen hertz the answer? Again, another pretty defensive defensively sound team. And then you have you know, the Dallas Cowboys and this perception the offensive juggernaut, right, we’ll see dad got was on a hell weeks before he got injured. Is that what’s been new? are they changing gears a little bit are they are they going to be a little bit more balanced and DACs not going to be on pace for 6500 passing yards and 60 touchdowns through four games or whatever, that it’s probably not that high. But the crazy statistic that that was so Washington’s got it cut out for him. I don’t think they’re gonna win the division, but they arguably have the best defense in that division. So that will keep them in these games. And the NFC East does a really good job of just beating the snot out of each other so they can steal a couple and make it really tight coming down. Stretch.

Alex 25:00
I would like to point out another big free agent signing that happened as we record this just a few hours prior to us coming on here. Joe Flacco to the Philadelphia Eagles he will be the savior if Jalen hertz doesn’t work out watch out because you got Big Joe Flacco waiting in the wings they’re

Geoff 25:25
going to your question about the the Washington football team so I live in Washington DC I’m not a Redskins are not a football team fan. Sorry. But I think they can actually win the division and and this is why. So the big knock on Fitzpatrick is always been interceptions. We know that he can go out and have a five touchdown game you can go out and have a five interception game. That’s just how he plays. If you look at the Washington football team last year, they had their other quarterbacks that they had throughout the whole season at 16 interceptions, which is probably about what Fitzpatrick will get if you play the full season we’re looking at 14 1516 interceptions. The differences is the Washington football team last year only had 16 touchdowns. Fitzpatrick is gonna throw more than that. He’s gonna be in the 20s if he plays the entire season, that’s the caveat there if he gets hurt or whatever, then that’s a different story. you couple that with the defense that they have, and they’ve gotten even better in this offseason, I think it’s gonna be between them and Dallas Dallas is gonna have the offensive firepower. I think Washington is going to have a better offense. It’s not going to be as any one level of Dallas but with Fitzpatrick and Curtis Samuel and of course they still got Terry Maclaurin and Tonio Gibson is going to be a good running back I think. And, you know, they got some flexibility with Gibson and Samuels who can also carry the ball out of the backfield, you know, split out why they can do a lot of things with those two guys. So I do think that Washington is going to be an interesting team to watch because their offense will be better if their defense is just on par with it was last year. I think Fitzpatrick is good for at least two more victories. On top of that.

Kevin 26:55
Does this Washington team remind you of a Jake Delhomme lead Panthers team back right before Ron Rivera took over but it was that same makeup good defense, old kind of wily quarterback who had kind of been through here a little bit, you have two essential running backs right between what they can do with mckissick. But really Gibson Curtis Samuel, and you have your white out Maclaurin who’s the Steve Smith and this this team? I looked at it and it just seems like an old Carolina Panthers team led by Jake Delhomme.

Geoff 27:30
Yep, it’s a good call. Good call. I like that comparison.

Alex 27:33
Or call Jake Delhomme led them to a Super Bowl happen. So I would like to backtrack, I was I was very absolute saying that Washington could not win the division. But I also in my mind was thinking, look, it’s it to me, it’s Dallas is division to lose. Going into next year, I think that Dallas, you know, is the team to beat whether or not that defense, you know, even minimal improvements will help Dallas but then I remembered that it is the Dallas Cowboys that we’re talking about. And they will find ways to take themselves out of the playoff conversation. So I shouldn’t have been so absolute saying that Washington wouldn’t win the division. Because we do have that wildcard of it is still the Dallas Cowboys.

Geoff 28:19
So one that I found interesting is, you know, for one day, Johnny Smith was tied in one for one day, we were all excited. And then the very next day they sign hunter Henry. And then we’re like, Ah, there’s an opportunity to trade them and get some value. I do think both of them will be fantasy relevant. I think both of them can be potentially low end Titan ones high end Titan twos. But the problem is going to be it’s going to be a crapshoot, figuring out which one is going to have the big week, it’s going to be you know, they’ll end up at the end of the season like Titan 12 and 13 or 12, and 15, something like that. But figuring out which one of them is going to be good each week is going to be the impossible part. So it’s going to be a tough and I was as a as a JavaScript owner, I was excited for one day, and then got my hopes crushed with 100 100 the very next day.

Kevin 29:08
Yeah, I think that’s how I see it. And I could be absolutely wrong. But I think Johnny is a better blocker both in the passing game and in the running game. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in formation and kept in formation a little bit more often than what hunter Henry is. But that also leads to a lot of sneaky, you know, touchdown play when you get into the red zone, right? They hide those guys. They kind of get behind the offensive line. They act like they’re going to block and float out so it wouldn’t surprise me if Henry has more receptions, yards, but jonnu gets there on touchdowns to make their point differential so tight. I like it.

Derek 29:49
Carlos Hyde signed down there to Jacksonville. And I wanted to get everybody’s thoughts on what that’s going to look like for kind of that breakout guy. Last year and James Robinson, how much is Carlos Hyde going to Jacksonville effect? James Robinson for this coming year?

Alex 30:08
I really don’t think that he gets into anything.

Kevin 30:13
No, he’ll eat into some that’s why I said Little like, they can’t give James Robinson the ball every single play. Like Carlos Hyde’s going to be there. He’s a veteran, he’s been around the league like he understands how to continue to prepare himself and to keep his body right for the NFL game. James Robinson didn’t have anybody in that running back room teaching. Like he did all this just the to make a guy Miss and get down the field and get four and a half years to clip. So bringing in a guy that in tears when I can teach. That way he does invest in down the stretch, until James Robinson shows that he’s not going to be productive. And I say that two and a half, three yards, a carry, you know, the traditional, you know, three yards and a cloud of dust roll that you kind of get into some of those things, but they need some sort of veteran presence there. So Carlos Hyde will be a good spell. But I don’t see him taking lead back work. He’s not a past catcher. Like he’s so he’s not going to take away the few receptions that James Robinson was already going to get like that’s going, they’re gonna be looking to Oh, as a bow for some of those receptions out of the backfield and help fill in there. So I just don’t see a big impact. He’s a guy who’s going to have probably two great games throughout the season. But when those two are gonna come Who the hell knows? Like, if we had that type of crystal ball, we’d be making a lot more money than we are now. So it is what it is, but I’m not personally worried about it.

Alex 31:48
I’ll tell you the Well, here’s why. If I’ve got shares of James Robinson in a dynasty or, you know, going into a redraft, the thing that concerns me the most is, it’s a different coaching staff down there, there’s going to be a new quarterback down there. I just don’t know how well James Robinson is going to mesh with urban how well he’s going to mesh with, presumably Trevor Lawrence, that that’s concerning to me. You bring in obviously, you bring in a Carlos Hyde to to kind of bolster that running back room. But you know, I’m a little skeptical on James Robinson, which is something coming from me, the the FCS apologist and where he came from, in having, I don’t know if you guys knew this, but I got to watch him play in college, in person. So that’s, that’s the concern for me, surrounding James Robinson and and just adding in a Carlos Hyde doesn’t help that feeling that I’m getting.

Geoff 32:50
I think Carlos Hyde can have a small role. And I do think James Robinson may lose a little bit of touches to Carlos Hyde. But I think that the addition of you know, presumably, Trevor Lawrence, you know, makes this offense a little bit better. I just pulled up James Robertson stats, and he had 240 rush attempts and 60 targets so about 300 potential touches that he had 5050 catches is all he had, but he only had three touchdowns. So if Carlos Hyde cuts into his workload as far as his touches go, but Trevor Lawrence in that offense is any a little bit better. You know, he could turn those touchdowns into you know, get some more touched. I mean, he had I guess he had seven rushing and he had three receiving touchdowns. But if you get up those touchdowns and reduces touches with Carlos Hide me in there, then I think he’s still gonna be a viable running back. I’m not too worried about worried about Carlos Hyde, I think hides there, just as an insurance in case Robinson does get hurt. I don’t think Robinson is gonna have his whatever you had, like 94%, Target, share and carry share that he had last year. That’ll come down, that’ll come down a lot. But I think he can be more efficient this year than he was last year.

Kevin 33:54
Just one quick thing. I think one reason I just thought of this, of bringing in Carlos Hyde was Hyde was part of those Niners teams when when Kaepernick was there, right. And they’re running that zone read offense and everything. That’s what Urban Meyer does. And James Robinson did not come from that style of offense in college. So I think that probably plays some into it. Maybe not as much as I just thought it didn’t like holy crap, but I think that does play some into it as having a guy there who can teach the young back, how do you play in this zone read off? Like, you know, when when do you let go of the ball and let the quarterback take it? Like how do these fundamentals work? Because this is gonna be completely different for James Robinson.

Derek 34:41
Right. And that’s kind of where where my thought process was looking into this thing as well. Because I remember a couple episodes Alex telling us about James Robinson back there at Illinois State when they went to when they tried to implement an RPO style of offense over there, and how that didn’t go well. Yes, how that didn’t Not necessarily work out very well. And the fact that I think Urban Meyer is going to come on come in and implement that. The fact that they’re still going to have to throw the ball because I think they’re going to be behind in games a lot in Jacksonville threw the ball on a percentage wise, one of the highest clips in the league right around 65% last year. And so if Carlos Hyde’s coming in and cutting into the workload and say, getting your 100 touches somewhere in that in that neighborhood, that drastically cuts into James Robinson, who may have some issues and RPO style offense. So that’s kind of where I really wanted to ask the question and get everybody’s thoughts on that and definitely heard the viewpoints on that one. So thank you guys.

Geoff 35:41
But there there is one guy I wanted to talk about real quick that we hadn’t talked about yet. I’m curious to your guys thoughts on I know what its value is that right now? Yeah, he had the the rare fourth year breakout Mr. Corey Davis, going to the Jets now. It says value the same as what it was. So do you think is increased at all? And do you think he can be that number one there or if he did number two, compared to with Denzel Mims being there?

Kevin 36:04
I think he can be he’s gonna have to, he’s gonna have to play more than x, right? men’s men’s is not built to play the X. He is a guy that will play on the outside. He will go deep. He will do the big chunk plays. But I don’t see, at least at the moment, with the limited amount of time that we saw Mims this past season because he’s recovering from injury. I don’t see him has been that target share Dominator. So you’re gonna have to have Corey Davis step up into that. And I think Crowder still plays a big role in that as well because he’s the guy who loves to go through the middle like he’s just the target share junkie and as long as Donald still quarterback there, that might be the hardest thing to get away from Jamison. Crowder’s because Sam Donald loves his security blanket and Crowder. Is is completely that for Sam Donald.

Alex 37:00
Yeah, I think that’s the big equalizer. There is who’s throwing the football, it’s nothing against Corey Davis, but who is throwing the football to him. You know, if you ask me, I’d rather have tannehill than Sam Darnold Well, that’s obviously going to lead to receiver is only as good as the guy throwing him the football. So that’s that’s the issue that I see. They’re going to, to the Jets. And and and Donald’s capable, right. He just, he’s, yeah, he had he had case, you know, he had the string of bad luck of having his career up ended by Adam gates, as us Denver fans have seen and followed all too well over the years. So that That to me is is where Corey Davis has value. It’s it’s not in what Corey Davis can do. It’s what can Sam Donald do to get him the football? And I’m just not seeing that, especially with Crowder there. And if Mims is an option, then you know, well now all of a sudden, where are those targets going? And I just I’m not sure I see him going to Corey Davis.

Geoff 38:13
That’s another thing too that I’m very surprised at is the fact that Crowder is still there. Because Crowder I think is owed like 13 million this year or $12 million this year. And he only has 1 million dead cat I thought for sure that once they got Corey Davis they’d cut Crowder but at this point I mean if they cut Crowder it’s kind of doing them dirty because now where’s he gonna go they kind of left him out to dry cuz there’s nowhere for him to go so maybe they go one more year with Crowder and just pay him that’s that elite level receiver money for a guy that’s not elite level but I thought he would be gone by now

Derek 38:45
dead cap is only a million but he’s gonna be his cap hits 11.3

Geoff 38:50
Yeah, that’s I looked at that and I thought there’s no way they’re gonna keep him on the roster. But so far, he’s still there. Basically, he’s a he’s a he’s a free agent next year,

Derek 38:59
very well could be that they’re, they’re kind of trying to still make up their mind and see what they’re gonna do with that, that second overall pick because if they decide Sam, Donald is the guy, he could very well became, you know, keeping Jameson Crowder because of the fact that you like we’ve already mentioned that he is the security blanket for Sam Donald. And that’s where the targets tend to go. That’s his first look a lot of times, so I could see them holding on to him just simply from a standpoint that if you’re going to stick with Sam darnold, that’s you want to keep his number one target in his favorite target there. But I think that kind of speaks more to volumes as to the Jets aren’t necessarily sure where they’re going if they’re going to go with your offensive line and in that kid out of Oregon see well, or if they’re going to go with you know, Zach Wilson or Justin Fields with that second pick. Well, guys, any final thoughts for the listeners

Geoff 39:49
just want to thank you all for having me on the show tonight. It’s been a lot of fun. It’s I got straight off of work and came here into the show. So what a way to end the show is kind of my nightcap. So I appreciate you having me on. And Geoff, thanks for taking the time. I

Derek 39:59
know it’s They’re where you are. We very much appreciate you taking the time out tonight and coming on. If you can hit up with your socials one more time with where the listeners can connect with you.

Geoff 40:09
Sure, yeah, I’m on Twitter at Geoff Lambert 77. That’s Geoff spelled G E O F F, and then all my links to all my you know, podcasts and website. All that stuff’s in my profile, but yeah, Geoff Lambert 77 on Twitter. But guys,

Derek 40:23
I do think that that’s gonna wrap up yet another episode of the good old boys fantasy football podcast. Make sure you’re following us on our socials. We’re at Twitter, Instagram, Facebook at @GoodOldBoysFF. You can also find us on our website. goodoldboysff.com. For Kevin and Alex. I’m Derek Have a good one. Be safe.

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